We report [2+2] supramolecular boxes assembled by halogen bonding. The discrete, two-dimensional boxes with a length of 25 - 30 Å are based on rigid…
Previous works of Bernd at the Humboldt University of Berlin have just been published in Nature Nanotechnology. A paper six years in the making was…
Tom and Bernd just published a highlight in the prestigious Angewandte Chemie journal. We describe and discuss recent developments in the field of…
After the online votes were cast, the new pART of Research - Diversity in Research calendar was finally released on October 8th, get it while supplies…
Tom was awarded with the prestigious Kekulé-Fellowship of the VCI for his extraordinary acadamic achievements.
Scientists of five HHU faculties have submitted their picture entries in the pART of Research calendar competition and around 1400 votes were cast. We…
Previous works of Bernd at the Humboldt University of Berlin, featuring a photoswitchable catalyst have just been published in Nature Catalysis. The…
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Bernd was awarded a Material Cost Allowances grant by the Chemical Industry Fund. We are very grateful for the support.