How can aromatic compounds be separated from so-called aliphatic compounds efficiently without having to rely on energy-intensive processes? In the…
In collaboration with the Kawano group from the Insitute of Science Tokyo and Janiak Group from HHU, we present two porous organic cages suitable for…
Victoria Atkinson discusses the current challenges and advantages of MicroED in structural analysis of proteins and small molecules in Chemistry World…
The Stiftung Stipendien-Fonds of the VCI awarded a Kekulé PhD Fellowship to Yannic! Congratulations! We look forward to continuing our journey with…
SYNFORM serves the international chemistry community and recently chose to highlight the group’s work by publishing an interview with Bernd as a part…
Tim was awarded with a prestigious Manchot Fellowship for his extraordinary acadamic achievements. Congratulations Tim!
A project several years in the making using our FPOCs finally saw the light of day! We present the multiple post-modification of organic macrocycles…
Thieme Chemistry presents annual awards to up-and-coming researchers worldwide, who are in the early stages of their independent academic career. The…
The busy end-of-year stress and Christmas season keeps us all on our toes! Nevertheless, as the days are getting shorter, the year is slowly coming to…
Third defence of our young group: Esther not only worked successfully on our halogen-bonded systems but also made dynamic chemistry more dynamic using…